Cougar Leaders Impact, Motivate and Build (CLIMB) meetings are held monthly either in person or online through Canvas modules and are coordinated by Student Life. CLIMB Modules have different themes and learning outcomes and must be completed by all RSO Leaders. The purpose of these modules is to create an opportunity for registered student organization leadership development; topics will help both individuals and organizations. Within these modules, we will share information and ideas about programs or policies that affect student organization life on campus and allow for reports on happenings in each organization and for organizations to voice questions and concerns.
Each student organization is required to have ALL executive board/officers/RSO leaders representatives complete each CLIMB module, and each organization is allowed one vote when voting is necessary. Failure to have all representatives complete the modules may cause the organization to lose its SAF funding privileges and/or its status as an active, registered organization for that semester. Failure to complete more than one CLIMB module per semester will be documented in the RSO's file and may result in the organization's budget being frozen and/or the organization not being able to submit a budget for the following semester. CLIMB completion deadlines are taken into consideration by Student Government Association during the budget determination process. Failure to complete required CLIMB modules within the declared deadline will affect the overall score the RSO has on their budget worksheet.