The sale or solicitation of merchandise or services of any kind on Saint Xavier University grounds or within the buildings of this institution is prohibited at all times, except through authorized channels. This includes making personal contacts, distributing literature in University buildings, and posting advertising materials on bulletin boards and in prominent locations. This applies to faculty, staff members and students acting for themselves or on behalf of any department or organization, as well as outside sales people or solicitors.
Arrangement for sales or solicitation through regular channels must be made with the Office for Business and Finance or the Dean of Students (if a student group is petitioning). Where such authorization is granted, the general policy is to require the payment of some amount to the University for the privileges accorded.
Any sale or solicitation in progress that is suspected to be unauthorized should be referred to the above offices and, if necessary, reported directly to Public Safety. Buildings and Grounds personnel will remove signs that may constitute a safety hazard or cause property damage. Individuals are responsible for any property damage resulting from the posting of signs. They also are required to remove all signs posted by the individual(s), or in their behalf, when they become outdated.