In accordance with the Illinois Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (HB3599), students are to be provided with the opportunity to designate an adult to be contacted if it is determined that a student is experiencing a mental health emergency. The mental health emergency contact will be used when an SXU mental health professional determines the student poses a clear, imminent risk of serious injury or death to self or others. Contact information will be registered confidentially and only accessed by authorized campus officials.
Students have the option to provide this information through the Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Contact Form.
Students are given the option to rescind their authorization at any time and may also change their designated person at any time through accessing the online form. Students who want to make changes to their authorization must revisit and complete the online form with the updated information. Saint Xavier University will reserve the right under certain circumstances as allowed by law to contact parents/guardians or the proper authorities in the event of an emergency that will protect the student's life or the lives of others.
The authorization form will be stored in Maxient, a secure record-keeping system. It will be password protected and only accessibly by a Saint Xavier University counselor or other qualified examiner. Any contact with a designated person regarding a student's mental health emergency will also be documented in Maxient and will be accessible by Saint Xavier University counselors or other qualified examiners.