Terms Defined

Advisor is a person chosen by both the reporting party and responding party who is permitted to accompany the reporting party and responding party respectively to any meeting or disciplinary proceeding (including but not limited to fact-finding investigations, formal or informal meetings, hearings and/or mediation sessions). An advisor is an individual (friend, parent, professor, attorney or anyone else) who provides the reporting party and responding party respectively with support, guidance or advice. The advisor is not permitted to be an active participant in meetings or disciplinary proceedings.

A case is created when incident reports are compiled and assigned a case number. Case documentation is maintained in the Office of the Dean of Students, and all related correspondence contains the case number. Cases are handled on the basis of severity of the alleged violation and the potential sanctions. A case can be dismissed and charges dropped, assigned as an informal meeting or judicial hearing, or referred to the University Conduct Board. At times when the University is not in session, a case may be handled administratively by the Office of the Dean of Students.

Conduct File
A student's conduct file contains all written correspondence, including incident reports, letters of allegation and notification, witness notification, hearing notes and appeal decisions. A copy of a student's conduct file is made available to the student for inspection if a request is made in writing to the Office of the Dean of Students. The conduct file is confidential and may be reviewed by designated Office of the Dean of Students' staff. Student conduct files are maintained for seven (7) years.

All correspondence regarding all aspects of the Code of Student Conduct is prepared by the Office of the Dean of Students. The primary avenue of communication is through the student's SXU email account using third-party software, Maxient. It is the student's responsibility to make sure an up-to-date address is on file with the University. Every reasonable attempt will be made to correspond with the student throughout the conduct process. Forms of correspondence include but are not limited to U.S. mail, the student's SXU email account, hand-delivery, and certified mail.

Hearing Coordinator
The hearing coordinator is a member of the Office of the Dean of Students staff. The hearing coordinator will conduct the pre-hearing with the student, makes all arrangements for the University Conduct Board proceedings, prepares all correspondence to the student, and participates in the University Conduct Board hearing as a non-voting member.

Hearing Officer
Hearing officers include staff members in the Office of the Dean of Students. Hearing officer(s) conduct a hearing by reviewing the evidence and interviewing the accused student(s) and, if necessary, appropriate witnesses. The hearing officer(s) will deliberate in private and make a decision about the student's involvement in the alleged misconduct and issue appropriate sanctions.

Incident Report
Incident Reports are used to notify University officials about a potential violation of the University's Code of Student Conduct. Any member of the University community or off-campus individuals can submit an Incident Report. The Incident Report contains the date, time, location, names of individuals involved and details of the incident. Incident Reports are submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students and are reviewed by the dean or designee, who determine how the case will proceed.

Informal Meeting
Based on the details of a case, the Office of the Dean of Students staff may choose to contact the student to discuss the details of incident report(s) to determine if formal proceedings are necessary, or as general follow-up to an incident.

Letter of Allegation
For every hearing, a Letter of Allegation is prepared as written notification of the alleged violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and the type of hearing, along with the date, time, location and other pertinent information.

Letter of Notification
The outcome of a hearing will be communicated to the respondent student through a Letter of Notification that lists the charges, violations, findings and sanctions.

Registered Student Organization (RSO)
A registered student organization (RSO) is any group of students given recognition by the Office of Campus Life. References to student in the Code of Student Conduct may be understood to include student organizations.

Responding Party
A student who has been charged with one of more violations of the Code of Student Conduct.

Reporting Party
Anyone who brings forth a complaint about a student's alleged behavior.

Reporting Party Notification
Reporting parties will be notified of the hearing findings and sanctions that are directly relative to the complaint.

A student is anyone who has enrolled at the University and/or has commenced classes, including student-at-large status. The term does not include an individual who has applied for admission to, but has not enrolled in classes at the University, nor does it include alumni status.

University Community
University refers to Saint Xavier University, which includes the physical plant, the total education program, students, faculty, employees, officers and trustees.

Witness means a person reasonably identified as having information regarding any relevant aspects of the allegation. Character witnesses are generally not permitted at hearings.

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