The policies of the Code of Student Conduct are applicable to on- and off-campus conduct that can affect on-campus behavior and expectations. See Student Conduct System: General Information for more details.
Students and Registered Student Organizations are expected to follow all applicable policies in University documents and publications.
Academic Dishonesty
The Code of Student Conduct does not apply to instances of academic dishonesty. For instances of academic dishonesty, refer to the appropriate Academic Affairs policies and procedures that govern academic dishonesty, as published in the the Academic Catalog.
Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to the following:
Personal Integrity
A. Alcohol - The following conduct is expressly prohibited regardless of age, except where otherwise specified:
- The state of Illinois prohibits the sale, use, distribution, manufacture, or possession of all forms of alcoholic beverages by persons under 21 years of age. Students under 21 years of age may not sell, use, distribute, manufacture, or possess all forms of alcoholic beverages anywhere on campus.
- Providing or distributing alcohol to individuals under the age of 21 is prohibited.
- Possession by any individual of alcoholic beverages in the residence halls, or otherwise in violation of University policy, is prohibited. Students not consuming, but in the presence of alcohol, are also subject to disciplinary action.
- Alcohol paraphernalia, including but not limited to empty alcohol bottles and items used for drinking games, is not allowed on campus or in the residence halls.
- Disruptive activity due to intoxication is prohibited.
- Public intoxication on University property or at University-sponsored events is prohibited.
- Alcohol consumption that creates a risk of harm to self, including requiring a transport to the hospital for intoxication, is also prohibited.
B. Drugs - Possession, use, intention to distribute, sale or distribution of illegal drugs, controlled substances, narcotics, drug paraphernalia or any hallucinogen without a medical prescription or appropriate authority or improper use of prescribed medication is prohibited. Students may not be under the influence of drugs while on campus. Students not consuming but in the presence of drugs are also subject to disciplinary action. Note: A number of states, including Illinois, have passed laws that make the use of marijuana for some medical conditions legitimate under the law of that state. However, the possession or use of marijuana remains an offense under the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments, which mandates campus communities be free of controlled substances (including marijuana). Therefore, SXU will continue to enforce the drug policy for any and all incidents involving marijuana.
C. Tobacco - Tobacco use is prohibited on all University property, both indoors and outdoors, and in University-owned vehicles. The Tobacco-Free Campus Policy applies to all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookahs), chew, electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.
D. Fraud - Engaging in forgery, alteration, unauthorized use or fraud involving University records, documents or instruments of identification; falsification of information (written or oral) submitted to any University office, department, proceeding or individuals acting in their official capacity; and ntentional misrepresentation or falsification of one's identity.
E. Illegal/Unethical Activities - Engaging in illegal and/or unethical activities, whether or not legal charges are filed.
F. General Violation - Violations of University policies, regulations or rules, including the terms of any disciplinary sanction properly imposed and/or retaliation related to any formal or informal judicial proceedings; Residence Life policies; parking rules and motor vehicle regulations; and failure to act in accordance with University or national charters/constitutions of student organizations.
G. Harm to Self - Threat or action of endangering one's self.
Respect for Others
H. Harm to Others - Interfering with the health and/or safety of a member of the University or surrounding community. Conduct that violates this policy includes but is not limited to:
- Physically harming another person, either intentionally or by taking actions that create a substantial risk of physical harm or compromised health to another person.
- Threatening to physically harm another person.
- Intentional conduct that inflicts, or attempts to inflict harm upon any person (bullying, failing to follow established community health protocols and/or social distance guidelines, etc.).
- Behaving in a manner that a reasonable person would find alarming or intimidating.
I. Harassment/Hazing - Hazing, harassment, racist behavior, defamation, retaliation, obscene language or actions, coercion, threats, endangering the safety of others, physical or psychological abuse or intimidation, and stalking behavior, either in person or through electronic means.
J. Inappropriate Behavior - Inappropriate, disruptive or disrespectful behaviors that evidence poor adjustment to the community.
K. Sexual Misconduct - Any form of coercive and/or unwelcome sexual behavior, including but not limited to prohibited conduct as outlined in detail in the Sexual Misconduct Policy or other behavior that takes sexual advantage of another person without consent or in an abusive manner.
L. Disruptive Behavior - Disruption or obstruction of teaching, instructional, research, disciplinary, administrative, public safety, student activities or other University business, either: 1) on campus, online or on property contiguous to; 2) off campus while involved in University-sponsored activities or events; 3) off campus but wherein actions may directly affect campus conduct expectations; and/or as 4) noise violations, in and/or around University buildings or facilities that disrupt living, learning, or work environments.
M. Firearms and Weapons - Possession, display or use of firearms, weapons (including lookalike or collector weapons), or ammunition (including empty shells or casings) or the abuse or intended misuse of flammable substances are violations of University policy. A weapon is defined as any device or object designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage, including but not limited to air guns, airsoft products, ammunition, clubs, electrical weapons, explosives, firearms, fireworks, nun-chucks, knives, swords, tasers and throwing stars on University property. Employees of government law enforcement agencies, who are required to carry firearms at all times, are exempt from the University's policy prohibiting the possession of firearms on campus.
N. Guest Behavior - Actions of one's guest(s) that violate University policies. It is the responsibility of each student to inform their guest(s) of University policies and community expectations for behavior. Hosts will be held responsible for the actions of their guests.
Respect for Property
O. Fire/Safety Equipment - Engaging in arson, the irresponsible use of fire and/or fire exit doors, and/or tampering with fire information and/or safety equipment, or failing to follow fire drill or other emergency procedures.
P. Damage to Property - Tampering with University property or equipment or causing damage to personal or University property. Removal of windows or screens from University buildings.
Q. Unauthorized Access - Unauthorized access to, presence in or use of University facilities or grounds; failure to properly show ID and swipe into restricted buildings, such as residence halls; unauthorized access to the roof of any University building or structure.
R. Misuse of Keys or Access Devices - The duplication or unauthorized possession of a key or access card (Cougar Card) to University property.
S. Theft/Misappropriation of Goods/Services - Theft of personal or University property and the sale, receipt or possession of stolen articles and theft, misuse or misappropriation of equipment, funds, products of a non-University contractor or University services, including but not limited to telephone, dining and print services.
T. Theft/Misappropriation of Library/Digital - Theft, misuse or misappropriation of library, computer or research materials and/or information. Inappropriate use of University email and Internet services.
U. Unauthorized Use - Unauthorized use of or attempt to use University property or the University name or credit in a manner inconsistent with its designated educational objectives.
Respect for Authority
V. Failure to Comply - Failing to comply with the directions of any University official (including but not limited to Public Safety officers or Residence Life staff members) acting in the performance of their duties, including refusing to show or surrender a University identification card.
W. Interference - Interference with or obstruction of instruction, activities, research, conduct proceedings or University administration; failure to observe the established closing hours of a building; obstruction of authorized access to, use of or egress from University facilities. Determination of whether a student is being disruptive in class is left to the discretion of the faculty member leading the class.
X. Gambling/Unauthorized Soliciting - Gambling in any non-legal form; sponsoring illegal lotteries or raffles on University property; and unauthorized selling, soliciting, canvassing or advertising.