Residents' Rights and Responsibilities

Within the community environment of University housing, certain guidelines are necessary to help ensure the rights of every individual. To a large extent, the protection of those individual and group rights is up to the student/resident. Each resident has the responsibility as a citizen in the residence hall community to stand up for his/her own rights. Rights such as privacy, rest, cleanliness, a safe environment and a positive academic learning environment remain important to the residence life program. Residents must work with the residence hall staff and peers toward the protection of those rights by following the policies and procedures outlined here.

The Association of College and University Housing Officers International (ACUHO-I) represents 800-plus institutional members and housing officers employed by colleges and universities globally. Saint Xavier University's Office of Residence Life subscribes to and supports the ACUHO-I Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities as adapted below.

Resident students have the right to:

Resident students have the responsibility to:

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